In agile process environments a popular iterative and incremental approach for agile development and management of product development is SCRUM. One iterative aspect in SCRUM is the Sprint with its defined fixed cycle duration. Planning of Sprint cycles is performed by the Team Members in each cycle. While agreeing on scope and content of working Tasks derived from Epics and Stories in a Sprint Backlog the Team is in charge to come up with valid complexity and time estimates per Task.
This application provides a tool supporting a Team to find estimates for these Tasks. It can be used as a replacement for physical SCRUM Planning Poker card sets.
At the beginning of your SCRUM Planning Poker find an agreement on the Card Deck Type to be used in your Poker session and select the corresponding valid card faces.
Swiping left from Main screen allows to select your desired card value.
Back on Main screen you can toggle the displayed card to show front face or the back face so that the card can be kept hidden with your hardware device screen facing up.
Mug selection shows a coffee mug indicating that a team member likes to go for a break. All other values indicate your personal estimate for the Task's Complexity. Enjoy...